Rocking Out With the Band

This October was a busy and wierd one for me.  Usually, I have the place decked out for Halloween inside and out somewhere near the first of October.  This year, I didn't put up any Halloween decorations at home and I didn't put them up at work until last week. I take that back, there are two boxes of Kleenex with skulls on them in the bathrooms. We let the kids pick out their pumpkins at the pumpkin it was beginning to storm, so we didn't stay long.  The hubs and I didn't even get pumpkins (we usually get some and carve them with the kids).  My neighbor and I have an agreement that she gets to do the neighborhood Halloween party every other year.  I was a little relieved that this was her year as I really didn't have the time or money to do it this year. I went to Ikea and spent my money on organization instead, but that's a whole other story.

I really love all of the Halloween scenes that everyone did and I really appreciate everyone participating.  I also love all of the other Halloween scenes that have popped up on other blogs. Anyway, here is my sorry excuse for a Halloween scene.  It's not much, but I hope you like it...

 I got the light on my trip to Ikea.  It's actually black, but doesn't appear like it.

Skeleton Rockers

Have a drink, Baby yeah!

Happy Halloween!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Say Goodbye to Ocean Drive

I'm starting to get a little burned out on making dollhouses for contests and I really want one that is complete and easily assembled. So, yesterday I decided to bite the bullet and buy the Ocean Drive Dollhouse from DHE Minis, however it wasn't available.  So, I e-mailed the sales department to see when it would be back in stock.  I got a reply last night and it has been discontinued.  To me is so sad because there are so few modern dollhouses that are in production...

Goodbye Ocean Drive.  I hate to see you go even though I never had you...

You look like a great house and reasonably priced too!

Let me know if anyone has one they want to sell!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

...And the winner is....

First I want to thank everyone for following my blog and welcome the new followers.

I had 43 entries for the giveaway including comments on my blog and likes on my Facebook page.

To choose the winner, I didn't use the generator this time.  This time I did it the old fashioned way.  Pulling a name from a hat.  My son's baseball hat.

I had my charming 8 year old assistant pull a name.  However, he refused to have his picture taken for this.

...And the winner is:

Congrats Mandy!  Please send me an e-mail at alamod(at)hotmail(dot)com with your mailing information.