As you may know I decided to do the Indianapolis miniatures show this year. It was a sort of a bust. So to make this short, I'm making a list of pros and cons about doing this show.

- I met a lot of very nice and helpful people.
- I learned a little about "selling the sizzle, not the steak".
- I did at least make my table rental back...just barely.
- Hopefully, I opened some eyes to the idea of doing something different in miniatures.
- I did get one small custom order.
- I have a bunch of stuff to list on Etsy and Ebay.
- I had many compliments on the furniture I had at the show.
- This gave me the inspiration to make some of the things that I have been meaning to make but just haven't had the time to.
- I didn't sell much. A total of 7 pieces of furniture, some pillows, one driftwood sculpture and a lamp.
- I have to unwrap and find space to keep all of the things I made for the show.
- I have to clean my house that I have ignored for the past six weeks to make miniatures for the show.
- I hear from other vendors that they didn't sell a lot either.
- People (at least in Indiana) may not be ready for modern, mid-century modern or colorful miniatures, at least not yet.
That all being said here are some pics from the show.
Also some of you may know that I have a real fondness for Halloween. Here are some pics from Wildwood's Witches Shop. It's amazing!
I think this spider web door with the spider handles is my favorite part.
Take a look at the feet on the table.
The green glowing table and the green goo in the cauldron create such an eerie atmosphere. The fireplace under the cauldron works of course.
Everything a mini witch could want.
So overall, the show wasn't bad. I learned some things and met some great people. Will I do the show again? Not likely. I think I will stick to Ebay and Etsy.